To be called to the Bar, candidates require more than knowledge of the law; PREP candidates must display multiple competencies and qualities that take a holistic look at the key elements needed to successfully practice law in Canada.
New lawyers need to have the communication skills and understanding of how to practice law, and the empathy, compassion, integrity, respect, ethical practice and commitment to diversity to serve the public and their clients effectively.
CPLED has developed the PREP Competency Framework to set out the skills and level at which PREP Candidates need to demonstrate at the completion of the Practice Readiness Education Program (PREP) or Accelerated PREP. The PREP Competency Framework informs and is the basis for all PREP content. The content is mapped to the competencies and learning outcomes to ensure PREP candidates acquire the necessary skills at the required level to be prepared to enter the practice of law.
PREP’s competency framework consists of five key categories:
Foundation of an Effective Lawyer
- Employ critical thinking principles and professional judgement
- Employ reflection and SMART goals to support future learning
- Develop self-management skills required of an effective lawyer
Communication Skills
- Integrate strong communication skills
Oral Skills
- Integrate strong oral communication skills
- Construct oral communications that employ strong interpersonal skills
- Facilitate a client-centered interview
- Facilitate a negotiation using interest-based negotiation methods
- Integrate the principles of oral advocacy in an application/motion
Written Skills
- Integrate strong written communication skills
- Generate research to respond to a legal issue
- Construct common legal communications
- Construct a basic legally binding document
Managing a Legal Practice
- Integrate the key aspects of ethical conduct
- Employ the key principles of practice management
- Employ the key principles of client relationship management
- Demonstrate an awareness of Indigenous law and issues experience by Indigenous clients
- Describe the current and emerging legal technologies that may be used in a legal practice