The Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education (CPLED) is a non-profit organization that provides the training needed before being called to the Bars of Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan.
Before becoming a lawyer, students must complete their articling requirement and the Bar admission program, the Practice Readiness Education Program (PREP).
The CPLED Board of Directors comprises individuals from the four respective provincial law societies.
Guiding Statements
Our mission statement, vision statement, values, and key success factors outline the organization’s line of business, its long-term goals, and how it will achieve these goals.
Our Mission
CPLED develops and delivers innovative and experiential Canadian pre-call legal education programs, services, and support to build the competencies of new lawyers.
Our Vision
We help people become competent lawyers.
Our Values
Commitment to excellence
Adaptive & innovative
Key Success Factors
Best-in-class Bar admission program
New products & services