COVID-19 Update: PREP Foundation Workshops to be delivered online for the June 2020 intake
July 16, 2020
July 16, 2020
To ensure appropriate physical distancing can take place all Foundation Workshop sessions for the June 2020 intake will be delivered online through the D2L platform. We arrived at this decision after reviewing public health guidelines for all jurisdictions in which we operate. The safety of our students, facilitators, and staff is of the utmost importance to us and we believe that moving the Foundation Workshops to online delivery this fall is the right decision.
We recognize that the COVID-19 situation is continually evolving and we are committed to making the best decisions possible with the information we have at the time. We will continue to monitor the situation and follow the recommendations and guidance of local government and health agencies while providing stakeholders with information as it becomes available.
Please note, there will be no changes to the released schedule, Foundation Workshop sessions will run on their scheduled dates.