Tools, resources and continued professional development enables young lawyers to reinforce and enhance their skills. Ensuring they continue to be proficient and competent members of the legal profession. Below are a few resources from CPLED jurisdictions to help students throughout the lifecycle of their careers. Students can reference many of the resources below while completing a CPLED program and once they are called to the Bar.
*Note, some of the resources below require membership to access.
- Resource Centre from the Law Society of Alberta
- Legal Education Society of Alberta (LESA)
- LESA provides educational and professional development opportunities for Alberta’s lawyers, articling students and their staff. They are dedicated to providing timely and topical continuing legal education.
- Alberta Law Libraries
- Alberta Law Libraries (ALL) is a provincial network of law libraries existing to provide research support and information services to the legal community (including the Judiciary, Members of the Bar, Crown Prosecutors and Justice Department Employees), self represented litigants, and all Albertans. Articling students have the same borrowing and online access privileges as lawyers during their articles.